
Teaching Studio Announcement

I have maintained a private teaching studio at my home in Huntington, NY for more than 40 years.

It is a beautiful space, filled with art, nature, books, and a beautiful Steinway grand, all of which, I believe, enhance the process of music-making.

For the past several years I cut back somewhat on my teaching in order to work on my books.  I believe that I have best expressed my teaching methods and beliefs in many of the essays and stories I have written — from reflections about my heritage from my own great teachers to portraits of exceptional students I have been blessed to teach, to coaching sessions I have been fortunate to have with some of the world’s leading concert pianists.

My teaching is one of the most creative and fulfilling aspects of my life, and now with all that writing behind me, I have decided to extend my schedule a bit to accommodate another day in my studio.

I would like to encourage those who would like to refine their skills and make beautiful music at the piano to contact me at my email address, carol at montparker.com. I will gladly listen to any students as long as there is deep interest, some potential, and love.

Carol Montparker, Steinway Artist, author, lecturer, and teacher, has conducted numerous workshops and master classes, at piano festivals, conferences, universities and colleges, for organizations, and at Steinway Hall in New York City, as well as at the Steinway Piano Gallery of Long Island in addition to her private teaching schedule.

Two of the many letters she has received from students over the years:

Dear Carol,

Minutes ago, I finished reading the last page of A Pianist’s Landscape. Humility and deep gratitude are the emotions I am feeling. You have said it all so eloquently. This is not a book I read, then place on a bookshelf among other volumes that become a part of the room decor. NO! I need this book on my bedside table so that I can reach it whenever I need inspiration or a reminder of how fortunate I am to belong to the music-makers, the dreamers of dreams.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving such a generous and lovely gift to the world. I SEE and HEAR in ways I never did before because of your creative guidance. I have certain objects that I carry with me wherever I go. A Pianist’s Landscape will become worn and tattered but all the more loved as it resides in my backpack, to be taken out when I am on airplanes, perched on a rock beside a river, having coffee in a steamy restaurant, or in a Green Room anticipating a performance, I will take the book out of my bag and allow it to fall open wherever fate allows, then read the passage. You would be amazed how many times I find a passage that is magic! I’ve done this with books of poetry, music manuscripts, and other important documents and invariably the words or phrase of music is precisely what my troubled or joyful heart was seeking at the moment.
I am looking forward to my precious piano workshop with you on Friday. I will fly in that afternoon, and I will be at the Wellington Hotel behind Carnegie Hall, board the train for Huntington, spend the time on Brahms, a new (for me) Chopin Impromptu, the one in Gb and some work on a new program. I also will play some Bach.


Hey Carol,

Just wanted to send a little note your way. I honestly can’t tell you how MUCH I love having lessons with you!! Every time I leave our lesson, I have such a good feeling inside of me. I really feel like you’re helping me find a piece of myself I didn’t know was there before. It’s hard to describe, but my life has been changed SO much for the better since I met you and started studying with you. I know you said tonight that you’ve seen a growth in me, both personally and musically. I definitely feel it too and truly want to thank you for this because I feel like you and the piano have a lot to do with it. Your encouragement and guidance (and compliments) have helped me on so many levels!! Even though there are times where I doubt myself, I hope you know just how much everything you say and do means to me! I am so grateful that you are in my life!! Thank you so much for everything!!!!

Love always,
Christina 🙂

Master Class in Syracuse, NY with Carol Montparker