
A glance at the periodicals listing on the Publications page will reveal the scores of interviews I did over the course of 20+ years at Clavier magazine.

A periodical has a life expectancy of a month or two, and I have over 100 Claviers stacked on a shelf. It was fun to lift out some photo and recall, for example, the droll wit of Jerry Lowenthal, the challenging irony of Alfred Brendel, the gruff sweetness of Radu Lupu,

the abiding friendship and artistry of the Walking Encyclopedia of the Piano, David Dubal, the earnest passion of Andre Watts, the elegance of Maurizio Pollini, the girl-to-girl honesty of Alicia de Larrocha, the graciousness of Paul Schenly, and so on and on. Some of these artists became friends, and only very few were difficult subjects. All were exceptionally bright. You cannot be a great artist without intelligence.

The conversations had multiple effects— their insights fed into my own playing (I was subsequently coached by some of them), and then what I learned, was passed down to my students… and so, I am very thankful to have had these rich encounters.
